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Author: george

Comment from Joe Buff

Comment received from Joe Buff, noted submarine author:

George: I just finished FIRING POINT after it kept me up til 3 am several nites in a row. You and Don did a terrific job, the 700 pages were seamless and fast paced from beginning to end. A very fresh imaginative plot re the cyber-financial attack on US economy along with the undersea warfare and SEALs elements! I liked how at the very end some scores were settled with sub-launched cruise missile precision land attacks.

Final Bearing Reprint

I just finished setting up a second edition of Final Bearing, a reprint, through Create Space. This is a print-on-demand service that Amazon has. This edition will be listed on Amazon and available to order from any bookstore.

Publisher Weekly Book Review of FIRING POINT

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY says,”The movie rights to this complex submarine thriller have already been sold–no surprise; the plot unfolds like a summer blockbuster.” FIRING POINT was reviewed in the July issue of Publishers Weekly. Read the entire review on my Media page.